AmeriGeddon 2016

Action Drama

A fictional depiction of a future wherein a globalist terrorist organization aligned with the United Nations to disable the United States' power grid and institutes Martial Law. It will take a dedicated family of patriots armed with strong survival skills and the remains of the Second Amendment to save America and reclaim its freedom.

Alle Titel
  • US: AmeriGeddon AmeriGeddon
  • DE: America Has Fallen America Has Fallen
  • RU: АмериГеддон АмериГеддон
  • UA: Armageddon America Armageddon America
  • CA: AmeriGeddon AmeriGeddon
  • UA: Armageddon America Armageddon America
  • US: AmeriGeddon AmeriGeddon
Release 13 May 2016
Links IMDb
